Awesome 3 Minutes Painting Artist Found In Taiwan Street

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Skilled Artist

I just saw a video, and I can not put it into words,because I like it so much.

Painted them before the eyes.

My eyes keep looking like that.

He is an original skilled artist.

Painting‌ laid very quickly while looking like that.

Everyone gathered around him while painting.

You can’t find an artist like him no matter how hard you look. 

There is so much talent and very few artists like him.

The whole world should see the painting he painted.

His painting will go down in history. 

Usually, he draws using only paint spray.

Painting artist from Taiwan country.

What he finalized was a landscape painting, 

as well as the stars, sun, moon, etc.

It Appears in his painting. 

It seems a lot easier when looking at his painting.

Must have the intelligence to paint like him.

He uses every skill he has in art.

Nothing much has changed. 

He Made a slight change in his drawing. 

The drawing came out pretty awesome, though.

Wow, that sounds amazing as well.

Luke Martin

Luke Martin uploaded it to his youtube channel.

Seventy-two billion people watched the video

uploaded by Luke Martin.

It has been four years since the video was uploaded.

But that video did not diminish as it was a crazy one.

If you want to watch the painting video,

you can go to his channel and watch it.

971 thousand people liked this video and 

twenty-one thousand 683 people liked it and

shared opinion in the comments election.

So many people have responded to his video

Understand for yourself how much craze,

for this painting video.

Not just a single video, 

he is uploading paintings video by artists from

all over the world on his YouTube channel.

How well he is doing. 

Uploading a painting video can be viewed by anyone in the world.

An excellent thing too.

No matter how many people like him, 

there will be a chance to come out.

Luke Martin has one point 3 million subscribers.