Table of Contents
What is landscape Painting?
Why Landscape Painting Should Be Drawn
The landscape is the painting of natural scenery
The artist paints landscapes beautifully with his thinking power
Actually, adding something that is not in the scenery
To express the power of thought in you,
in the form of a painting,Draw a landscape painting.
Explain the painting
Correct the front and back of the elements that appear in the painting
Apply black shade to distant objects
Keep the front ones bright
Every single element in the painting is also very large meaning.
Scenery means trees, hills, flowers, grassland
They appear in every single scenery you see.
Have you ever noticed that,Or find out now

How To Draw Landscape Painting
Aim :
How to draw landscape painting in Computer using paint application in the system.
Types of Equipment required:
- 1. Computer system
- 2. Reference image
- 3. Drawing graphic pad
Step 1: Open the paint application in the computer system.
Step 2 open the reference image in the system or keep it beside you.
Step 3 The artboard size should be 744 *435
Step 4: Draw a Rough sketch of the landscape on an artboard.
Step 5 Take brushes from the top of the Toolbar.
Step 6 starts from the bottom of the artboard.
Step 7: draw grasslands or draw 4 mountains.
Step 8: Take bucket paint in the tools option. Apply thick green on four mountains.
Landscape Painting Step 9:Take a thin brush Draw small shrubs on mountains.
Step 10:Draw the sun right side red in color.
Step 11 take the bucket paint tool to apply the sky blue color for the background.
Step 12 take a thick brush and draw 2 clouds with white color.
Step 13: draw flying birds.
Step 14: Go to the File menu, a drop-down box will appear.
Step15: select save as option, save in jpeg format.
We have completed the landscape painting on the computer,
using it in the paint application.
The regular use of paint application in the pc by practicing more diagrams. You get a better result.

The tradition of landscape painting
They are the ones who make landscape painting colors from the leaf itself.

Types of Landscape paintings
Landscape painting is applied in many ways
First I take the outline on paper and then apply the colors directly.
The second is to take the color by hand and apply it directly on the paper,
The painting brush is not actually used here. It’s a one type of art.
The third is to take a small leaf and apply color back of the leaf,
Then put the mold on the paper.
When this is done, I will create Flowers,with waste material of the pencil.
The background is landscape scenery.