Jay Lee Painting:Beginners Guide Artist Step by Step

Who is Jay Lee painting?

He is an artist and a YouTuber.

He uploads all his paintings on his YouTube channel.

Jay Lee has 4.95 million subscribers on YouTube,

Uploading a single video on his YouTube channel

will complete 25K views in twelve hours.

Jay Lee has worldwide followers on the youtube channel.

Every single painting video he makes millions of views on YouTube.

Where is Jay Lee painting from?

Jay Lee is a Taiwan artist.

He is an inspiration for those who are new to learning paintings.

As well as teaching painting techniques. Is going on through YouTube.

His paintings are very useful for beginners.

Pinterest account: Jay Lee Painting

2.8k followers,21.1k monthly views.

Twitter account: Jay Lee

JayLee is a specialized watercolor artist.

Facebook page: Jay Lee Painting


Website: Official store

Jay Lee has a separate website displaying

one of his paintings in the online store.

All paintings related to landscape fall into the category of wall art.

If anyone wants to print one of their paintings on their favorite,

they can pick it up from their store and print it on a t-shirt.

How to Draw a Couple Walking in the Rain

“How to Draw a Couple Walking in the Rain”

The most viewed video on his youtube channel is

Video uploaded on July/05/2021.

The painting video went viral on YouTube.

This video has received 178 million views.

2.8 million likes were hit on the YouTube channel,

which means that everyone who saw this video

liked the paintings very much.

Also, 68 thousand 76 people commented on this video

in the comment section,and they said that they liked it.

If you also like it after watching that painting video

Jay Lee painting watercolor artist

I also saw this video on YouTube for the first time.

I also watched that video and loved it so much

I hope you like it too,the video How to Draw a Couple Walking in the Rain

is only ten minutes long.

If you also want to watch that video, go to a channel.

The name of his YouTube channel is Jay Lee Painting.

However, this is the video that got

the most views out of all the uploaded videos.

Casey kept looking at that painting for so long, he drew that painting so interesting.

Complete with simple step-by-step painting.

The main attraction of the video is that the artist specializes,in painting with different materials.

This is not a special video, you can see the artist masterpiece in all the videos,All videos of Jay Lee’s very impressive mound draw

a very beautiful lovely landscape painting ,that is drawn with the little objects around us.

How did he draw the painting?

First: took the drawing artboard and applied the acrylic painting colors on the dot canvas.

Second: He took a wall painting brush and drew the dotted acrylic color as the background.

The background is divided into three parts: the first is Sky, the second is Middle Promotion and the third is Grassland.

If you understand what I am saying

then there is no problem you should read this article in its entirety,

if you do not understand then watch that video once.

It makes sense if you watch the video yourself.

After the artist has completed the drawing,Can’t wait to see how he adds the rain effect to the painting.

How did he add the rain effect?

But the idea that came to the artist’s mind is simply super.

The rain effect is applied on canvas when the artboard is dry.

Otherwise, all the paintings have drawn will not look good.

The artboard is in a completely wet condition because of the painting colors.The colors won’t dry fast, have to wait for a few minutes.

The specially cut cardboard is in the shape of a rectangle. 

Add white acrylic color to cardboard sides and apply it to the painting canvas.

The finishing touch look was super.

On his YouTube channel, he has uploaded over seven hundred and twenty videos.

He is a watercolor painter

so most of the watercolor related paintings are on a youtube channel.

All paintings related to landscape fall into the category of wall art.

If anyone wants to print one of his paintings on a favorite, Jay lee provides a option of printing it on a t-shirt that followers can pick up from his store.

Jay lee painting YouTube channel

Jay lee has 5 playlists on his YouTube channel

  • First playlist

So far 98 videos have been uploaded to the first playlist of

Basic Watercolor Painting Techniques.

  • Second playlist

Easy Acrylic Painting Techniques 381 videos were uploaded in the second playlist.

  • Third playlists

Watercolor Painting for Beginners has uploaded 121 videos related

to Level One and Level 2 Watercolor Painting.

Everything else is related to watercolor painting videos.

We can easily learn as well by looking at the ones.

paintings related to the Basic, Intermediate, and Advanced Levels.

From artists, we can learn a lot from him.who are interested in painting.