Liv Morgan’s monumental championship victory canvas painting

Artist Rob Schamberger paints a new painting of the Who’s Who recently won the Women’s Championship.

Her name is Live Morgons, she recently won the Women’s Championship over Ronda Rousey. On July 3, 2022. Artist Rob Schamberger drew her portrait to mark her success.

He put it up for sale on one of his websites, if you like it, you can watch the video of how he drew it and buy that painting.

Artist Rob Schamberger used watercolors throughout. Because the way he draws looks very strange. He has been drawing paintings in layers types. (He has been applying watercolor paintings).

First, he made a base and drew the entire canvas, then he painted with watercolors, and then he completed the drawing by making adjustments with the primary color. Liv Morgan’s portrait painting turned out to be very beautiful when the yellow-colored plaster was removed after the painting was finished.

The great thing about this painting is that all the color tones are balanced very correctly.