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Happy new year is to create a custom greeting card

Make a new year’s greeting card with your name and photo online for free.
Types of equipment:
- photo of yourself
- canva application
step 1 open the canvas.
step 2 search for the new year greeting card in the search bar.
step 3 select from your favorite template and color of them.
step 4 selected Template open in new ARTboard.
Step 5 arrange the elements required to your needs.
step 6 left side of the given artboard.
step 7 choose your favorite photo.
Step 8 Drag and Drop your photo into the artboard and
arrange properly to look good
Step 9 add a photo of your left bottom to look better on a given artboard.
Step 10 Select the text option from the left sidebar.
Step 11 Choose your favorite text design drag and drop on the artboard.
Step 12 replace the Drag and drop text into your name.
arrange in the proper place to look better.
Here we have completed the making of a new year card with a name and photo.