How to Create Beautiful Google Web Stories

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Creating beautiful Google web stories brings more traffic to a website.

What does a web story look like? 

hope many of us do the social media Reels,

posting on Instagram WhatsApp Facebook in another media.

The story stays for 24 hours on Facebook and Instagram and WhatsApp Accounts.

Family members friends and relatives watch the story. 

Google web stories like reels,it displays on the Google search result. 

How To creates Google web stories?

The web stories are created by the bloggers who have the website.

Stories look like Google reels, Creating visual content.

Users are attracted to read blogs and gain more traffic to websites.

After reading this blog hope your website gets more traffic and new visitors. 

How to use the web stories

How to set up the web stories for your website

we are going to discuss in this blog.

Step 1 Log in to your WordPress dashboard account.

Step 2 Go into plugins

Step 3 Search web stories plugin. It is a free plugin.

Step 4 install the web stories plugin and activate it.

After installing the web stories plugin ,

it will be stored in the plugins menu all sorts of plugins.

Step 5 Set up a web story plugin. 

Click on a web stories dashboard,

Free 59 templates will be displayed in dashboard Reddy to use. 

Step 6 Select any Favorite template or create a new story. 

Step 7 A new window Dashboard opens to create a story. 

It suggests you for any help quick set up guidelines.

You can read the quick tips follow step by step procedures. 

Step 8 Canvas board in white color. 

Step 9 on the right side of the dashboard you can see

the design, and document two Options.

In Design Option 

  • Page background to change the background color.

You can choose any color.

  • Page attachment 

Pastes the URL address off the post.

  • Page background audio setup

You can add no copyrighted music. 

After selecting the color from the page background option.

we have set up the background color of the web story. 

Step 10 On the left side of the dashboard you can see

the image upload option, images option, and text option. 

You can create the image type or video type are gifs type of web stories.


Step 11 select the image from the free copyrighted.

drag and drop on the Canvas.

Step 12 Fit the full-size image in the Canvas.

Adjustment is done by the corner edges. 

Not only image you can add the video or gif type of web stories

easily in the Google web stories.

It is user-friendly drag and drop on the Canvas. 

Step 13 add text to this image,you have created a simple web story. 

  • Click on the text option:

In the text option, you have multiple font sizes.

You can select any one of those which is suitable to your web story.

Step 14 If you like to change the font color decrease or increase the size of the font.

the font properties displayed on the right side of the canva.

You can play with text placing in different areas of the Canvas

just drag the text on the screen to move up and down or left or right side. 

Step 15 how to add the link to the text. 

Select the text element on the screen,Add a link option will appear. 

Link option properties are displayed on the right side of the Canvas

you can set your website link and paste on the add link option. 

When the user clicks on the text the user redirects to the given link of the website. 

And you can add other options ,

which have displayed below the  add link box.

like, add the logo of your website and sponsor and number of follow. 

Step 16 Add a title to your canva,

The title is added on top of the canva.

After adding the title on the right side you can see the schedule Option

click on the schedule option.

Step 17  publishing the web story, right side of the schedule option,

click on continue to publish Button.

Step 18 you successfully submitted the web story. 

After completion of your web story,

you can check how it displays on search results,

simply click on the view story link. 

With this web story, you can build the brand for your website. 

Google Web Stories

How it works with Bloggers and Users.

Example: Bloggers have created Google web stories and

Create content On [best drawing] published in Discover future.

The end-user search on Google, “What is the best drawing”.

It show in Google search results: a web story on best drawing, like reels.

The user can swipe them If the user likes to study more details on related content,

the blogger already adds a link to the text.

when the user clicks on the title text that it redirects to the given link page.