Pencils for easy drawing

Use a pencil to draw easily. 

You have been using the pencil from the beginning.

You have become accustomed to how to use a pencil.

But for those who come to draw, 

only one pencil is used for everything.

 The same pencil when you have to draw lite, 

the same pencil when you have to draw thick.

In the beginning day, I do the same.

You may be wondering if the pencil is used alone or

if there are other pencils.

which means yes, there are different types of pencils.

The Best Pencils For Easy Drawing?

There are two types of pencils.

The first is the hard pencil,

the second is the blackness pencil,

How to identify them.

 At the end of the pencil is written H or B.

 So you can take whatever pencil you want. 

What is the difference between the two?

The answer is graphite flow.

Did not understand the thickness?

 Look at the line drawn with pencil on the paper and

 observe whether it is thick or lite.

It seems to be practically done, 

as well as easy for you to understand.

The HB pencil is most commonly used at the school level

 because it contains the H&B combination,

 and H number increases

the graphite flow  very lightly on the paper

 As the B number increases,

 it becomes much darker and more black.

Use H pencil when drawing the outlines of the drawing,

 as it will be very easy for you to erase 

as well as not stick the marks on the drawing paper.

 My sir says the same thing,

 put it as the first lite, 

after drawing everything correctly, draw it thick.

These pencils are available at bookstores

near you and can be picked up there,

 Best pencil drawings step by step.

 Let’s use a lite graphite flow pencil for the outline, 

for the same shadow, you need to use the B pencil in the dark place,

 because the lines should be dark there,

so the thick line is correct.

 The use of a pencil is can be erased as many times as possible.

Holding a pencil is also an art, 

so make sure you hold the pencil very lightly,


The hand should be very free to move on paper.

 By holding it free,

you can draw lines that are very clean and clear.

Not only black pencils but there are also color pencils.

 Color can be applied directly to the drawing with a color pencil.


Previously I outlined with an HB pencil.

 With the advent of color pencils, 

applying colors directly has saved a lot of time.

 Colorful drawings can be done with a colored pencil.

Inside of the Books, you can underline the text with different colored pencils,

to be very easy to read next time.

Pencils for easy drawing