NASA brought planetary defense technology for the first time in the world. Double asteroid redirection test (DART).

If asteroids, or comments, are coming towards Earth, NASA's dart mission can be used to change the direction of the asteroid.

After ten months of travel, the first test on Monday successfully collided with an asteroid in space.

It is a 300-million-dollar mission, the success was announced by NASA DART MISSION at Operation Center(APL)

Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory (APL) in Laurel, Maryland. At 7:15 pm EDT...

Image from NASA

This experiment will be very useful to save the earth. If any object other than Astra comes over the earth,

it can be used to protect from disaster. Monday's launch test was on a dimorphous (525-foot wide body),

Dimorphous means small moon. Didymus means 2500-foot wide body...

Earth model

Image credit NASA space.

Nasa Spacecraft DART MISSION

Didymos was first discovered in 1996, seven years later dimorphus was discovered in 2003.

This experiment is useful to find out what kind of changes will occur in didymous due to the collision of Dimorphus revolving around Didymos (Kinetic impact).